two hours|two hour in English

period of 120 minutes

Use "two hours|two hour" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "two hours|two hour" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "two hours|two hour", or refer to the context using the word "two hours|two hour" in the English Dictionary.

1. The valetudinarian alternated two hours of work with one hour of rest.

2. Two hours she had lain there - two whole hours of torment.

3. An hour dead, maybe two.

4. A two- hour hand job?

5. That's a two-hour flight.

6. Two hours of makeup.

7. But while Betamax could record up to an hour of video, VHS could record up to two hours.

8. I Accomplished two hours' work before

9. I killed two hours watching TV.

10. We're gonna be on two-hour comms windows.

11. The two - hour examination was a real stinker.

12. Voting began about two hours ago.

13. They have chewed away two hours.

14. 8 Chicago is two hours away .

15. This was basically a two-hour circuit assembly.

16. 26 Bambino : One shop destroyed. Three heads split like overripe melons. One man wounded and one castrated. All in two hours. Just two hours I left you alone. Two hours.

17. Two human figures strike the bell every hour.

18. Two-hour watches tonight all along the line.

19. “There were two hours of water left because the two plants were stopped.”

20. You've been asleep for almost two hours.

21. Through the forest, it takes two hours.

22. The entire finale special lasted two hours.

23. The hours of those two exams conflict.

24. Two hours to Christmas and everything's ruined!

25. I do two hours yoga every day.